Sunday, September 18, 2016


The season of color is arriving. Birds are collecting into groups to make their yearly trip south. The yellows, slowly turning to gold and the reds that deepen as each day passes. Gone are the various shades of green but the brighter colors of God's pallet that are reserved for this special time are arriving. The harvest moon glows like a golden globe in the sky.  The squirrels are skittering around with acorns in their mouth, eager to stockpile for the winter in the huge nests of leaves that they have built in the trees. Humans are beginning to prepare also. Some dread this season because it means that winter is close behind but others embrace fall with the joys of a child. The crisp air, the fall smells, the beautiful colors, apples hanging on the trees later to be turned into apple pies and caramel apples.

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