Saturday, September 17, 2016

                  The Cultivator

This morning I went to an estate sale. Each time I go to one of these sales, I think of what the person must have been like. This lady could have been me. I could see that she loved her charming, little home. Probably lived in the same house all of her adult life. She took joy in simple things and enjoyed her possessions, cared for them with love. A home filled with memories, music, and joy. One item that struck me , was metal word sign that said "giggle." That sounds like a fun person. Needle work abounded. How many times did she sit in the hospital with a sick child, passing the time with needle and thread. The upstairs had sloped ceilings and she had wallpapered them in cheerful paper with red painted dressers that probably held her treasures. She was a good cook and baker as could be testified by her abundant supply of kitchen utensils, bake ware and pans. She shared my enjoyment of music, a piano marked sold, music books and CD's from the big band era, Michael Buble, broadway and Tony Bennett. Some of which I bought. The garage held an assortment of gardening tools, metal tables and chairs and an old cultivator . The cultivator caught my eye.It has definitley seen better days but it charmed me.It will sit proudly by my she shed, no longer working but enjoying its retirement. And then I think, some day this is what my house will look like. I hope that a lot of strangers will enjoy all my treasures. That they will take a moment to think about the woman that loved her home and just maybe someone will buy the old cultivator to put in their garden.

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