Saturday, October 29, 2016


Two days before Holloween and I am remembering when I was a kid. We lived in the country so this was a special treat for us. Mom would give us pillowcases and we were able to go all over town while she visited with her friend, Bernice. We also had something called gate night the night before Holloween. Big kids would block the street and scare people in cars. I remember one night when they did it to us. Mom was very scared but she was able to get through. Probably the best times were when I was a teenager. We had so much fun. One thing that we did was roll a school bus down main street. That may sound simple but it wasn't. One boy drove and we had to push it down the hill that the school sat on and make a sharp turn at the bottom. When I think of how fast we had it going, it was amazing it didn't dip over. It was dangerous but so much fun.

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