Monday, October 3, 2016


Today there  won't be a picture, today will only be my thoughts. About 35 years ago, I taught 4th grade Sunday School.  I had about 15 children but one stood out. I will call her Mary because for one beautiful night , she was Mary.  The other children stayed away from her. She was not included because she was quiet and not clean. Her teeth weren't brushed , her hair was greasy and her clothes didn't fit.
I convinced the church to let us have a real Christmas program at night. It was a first. Because I made the costumes and did the planning, I was allowed to pick the children that would play the parts. They were all excited to see who got what parts. I made sure everyone was included.  I started with the main characters. They all wanted to be Mary or Joseph. It became very quiet when I picked Mary to play the role of Mary. She was stunned and started to cry. I thought she was scared but she said no, she never was picked for anything. When classes were over I took her aside and talked to her. I told her that to Play Mary, she had to look her best. I told her to brush her teeth and make them sparkle and have someone help her wash and brush her hair until it shined. She said she was so happy and she would do everything I said.
The night of the program, all the children were excited but Mary was missing. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my arm and looked down and there beside me stood beautiful Mary. All the children were looking at her. I never thought she could look so pretty. She said her Aunt helped her and showed her how to wash her hair and brush it to make it shine. My heart was filled with joy looking at her. She played the role perfectly. The children didn't know it, but at the end of the program before they left the stage, the windows were opened and the bells were rung for all the town to hear. I watched as the children looked up and there was Mary. She was so beautiful and so happy.
I would like to say that the other children accepted her after that but it wasn't to be. She learned from that night and she always kept her hair pretty. She had a sweet shy smile.
Over the years I have wondered what happened to Mary in life. Today I looked at the obituaries, and there was Mary, only 45 years old. I felt so sad and then I really looked at the picture and she really hadn't changed. Same sweet, shy smile and shiny hair. She was a librarian, and lived with her cats. She liked to read and watch tv and go out to eat with her friends.
I pray that she had a good, sweet and gentle life. I like to think that now she is in a special place in heaven and I hope that her special night gave her a happy memory.

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